Friday, May 14, 2010

My response to "Over 573,000 new US employees in four months"

It is hard to say after reading this if it is encouraging or not. I mean it was really good to read at the begining that so many people are getting new jobs recently, but on the other end, if the unemplyment rate is actually raising, there can be confusion in that. I guess there are so many people who lost their jobs a long time aho have been living by the government for too long now and are realizing now that they need to get off their butts and get a job and once out, they realize they can't find one and live yet again by the government in a different form. But at the same time, we need to just be happy with the small progress we have made this far. We have been having economic problems and unemployment problems for years now so the change is not going to happen overnight. It is going to take time and as unfortunate as it is, we just have to hang on for the ride and make the best of the hard time

Friday, May 7, 2010

Healthcare bill- good or not?

There has been so much hype lately about the "Obamacare" bill that has been in circulation. I had heard some of the main points, but I didn't quit get why everyone was freaking out about it, so I did a little research. There are definitely some bad points to be made about the bill, but there are suprisingly some good points as well. One of the good is that he is going to put a ban on insurance companies from being able to deny someone because of a pre-existing medical condition. I don't believe anyone should be denied insurance just because they had a condition they couldn't do anything about. He also is going to be closing a gap called the "donut hole" which is described by Joseph Schuman as "The Medicare perscription drug benifit currently stops reimbersing patients after $2,380 is spent and doesn't resume until out of pocket spending tops $4,550." The plan will also ban drug companies from keeping gneric drugs off the market.

There is still a bad side to this bill remember. America has been made up of diferent classes since it began. This bill would eliminate all classes, as far as medical care goes at least. The people that work hard to make their money deserve to have the kind of high grade medical care that they can afford. They shouldn't be forced to have the same type of coverage that someone making a fraction of the income they make. Not only would they have to have the same coverage, they would also have to pay more. This bill will force people making over $200,00 a year to pay medicare taxes on unearned income, interest, dividends, and anuities. So they pay more but still have the same healthcare?! What kind of sense does that make? This plan would slowly turn the country into a socialist country where we are basically forced to all have this united healthcare. We are Americans and we should have the right to choose which healthcare we want. Not all be forced to have the same one.

So while there are good points about it, I still am against the Obama plan after digging deeper into it. The points that are in it that I found to be good or helpful, could easily be made into their own bills, without having to add the united healthcare into it. They are things that should just morally be illegal to do anyways.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Comment on Is More Taxation The Only Way?

I agree with what you are saying! It is crazy to think that out of all of the money they will be collecting, only 1% of consumption will be affected. That to me, shows how greedy the government is. They have to know that the tiny percentage will not actually do anything to help with obeisity. It sounds to me that they are digging for any possible reasons to tax the public. They are hungry for money. And I also agree that they aren't truly going to use all of that money on what they have claimed it will go for. They can put any false ideas out there to get the taxations passed and once they have our money, they will use a fraction for the proposed claim, to keep their butts safe, and the rest will go for whatever they decide.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is it too early?

There has been word circulating for sometime now about whether or not President Obama should pull us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. The question is, is it to early? And what would happen if it were too early. When we were attacked on sept 11, 2001, we went to Afghanistan to fight and defeat Osama Bin Laden and we have been there ever since without much improvement. We are in Iraq to fight for oil and still, aren't seeing much improvement although we did capture and kill saddam Hussein. So if we pull out now, we have not only waisted our time there thus far, we have also left two jobs unfinished. I have this strong feeling that pulling out now would be the worst choice. We have already gotten ourselves involved deeply in these wars, we might as well stick with it until we see it done. The day we pull out and abandon Afghanistan as a broken country with Bin Laden still in control, is the day we have another major terrorist attack. They aren't done fighting, so we shouldn't be giving up just because our country decided to elect a president who is against war.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Democrats Play the Terror Card

In Democrats Play the Terror Card by Abacumov from Free Rebublic Blogs, he is talking about a recent comment made by the democratic party in order to take the burn off of them for the "Obamacare" issue going on. In this blog, he is reaching out to the Republicans. As a conservative himself, he is offended by the comments made. This blog came from the Washington Post, which shows that he must be a pretty reliable source, although the issue at hand does not require much reliability. Apparently, when the polls began to drop for the Democrats because of the health care issues, they decided it would be a good idea to turn the spotlight onto the Repulicans by saying that they are the new terrorist threat and they need to be watched out for. Abacumov talks about how James E. Clyburn "accused Republicans of 'aiding and abetting this kind of terrorism'." He goes on to talk about how he is shocked that they would stoop so low after we had the chance to make similar claims on them and didn't take the chance. I actually agree with what Abacumov is saying in this artical. Maybe this is just because I am republican or maybe it is just because I am against the health care bill, but I enjoyed the blog.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Playing Nice

Playing nice by Susan Estrich of the Dallas News was a fun and humorous take on the meetings that took place over the health care summit today. She started off saying how boring she finds the majority of political meetings to be. This, she says is the reason no one tunes on to watch it on TV. Even the people attending the meetings are bored, as they wait for the person ahead of them to quit talking so they can get it over with. She feels as if it is not the issues at hand which are boring, but politics itself. She then goes on to kind of talk about how the meeting went. She says that republicans are not willing to allow a demicratic sounding version, but on the other hand, the demicrats dont want a rebulican sounding version. She says they basically had this meeting to make it look like they are "reasonable and forthcoming" even though nothing would really come out of it. Neither branch wanted to look as if they didn't care. I think that Susan was probably speaking out to the general public with this artical. It was probably not meant for someone in politics, however, as it may offend them. It is hard to tell if this artical is very credible. She doesn't tell us where it is she is gathering this information; she even says that not she, nor did anyone else, watch the meeting on TV, so how she gathered the little bit of information about it I can't say.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Is the US involved in the 9/11 attacks?

In an artical from the Austin American Statesman, Rebublican Debra Medina confusingly voices her opinion on whether or not the American government had a hand in the attacks of 9/11. At the begining of the interview, she says that she thinks it is possible that we (America) could have something to do with this controversial debate over Americas innosence, or lack there of, of that horrible day. At some points, she tries to change her words around to make it seem as if she doesn't have an opinion on it either way until she jumps back to say that there are rumors that the US government is hiding away information that they don't want us to hear, and that there were some "very good arguments" that we were somehow involved with the deaths of the 3000 Americans that tragic day. Also throughout this artical, Demicrat, Farouk Shami makes off topic racist remarks about how white Americans refuse to work factory jobs and that without Hispanics, America would be "like a day without sunshine." Although this artical written confusingly, it is still good to read about other peoples ideas and views on certain events pertaining to the government. I personally disagree with everything that was mentioned in this artical, which is actually what drew me to read it.
