Friday, March 26, 2010

Democrats Play the Terror Card

In Democrats Play the Terror Card by Abacumov from Free Rebublic Blogs, he is talking about a recent comment made by the democratic party in order to take the burn off of them for the "Obamacare" issue going on. In this blog, he is reaching out to the Republicans. As a conservative himself, he is offended by the comments made. This blog came from the Washington Post, which shows that he must be a pretty reliable source, although the issue at hand does not require much reliability. Apparently, when the polls began to drop for the Democrats because of the health care issues, they decided it would be a good idea to turn the spotlight onto the Repulicans by saying that they are the new terrorist threat and they need to be watched out for. Abacumov talks about how James E. Clyburn "accused Republicans of 'aiding and abetting this kind of terrorism'." He goes on to talk about how he is shocked that they would stoop so low after we had the chance to make similar claims on them and didn't take the chance. I actually agree with what Abacumov is saying in this artical. Maybe this is just because I am republican or maybe it is just because I am against the health care bill, but I enjoyed the blog.

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