Friday, May 14, 2010

My response to "Over 573,000 new US employees in four months"

It is hard to say after reading this if it is encouraging or not. I mean it was really good to read at the begining that so many people are getting new jobs recently, but on the other end, if the unemplyment rate is actually raising, there can be confusion in that. I guess there are so many people who lost their jobs a long time aho have been living by the government for too long now and are realizing now that they need to get off their butts and get a job and once out, they realize they can't find one and live yet again by the government in a different form. But at the same time, we need to just be happy with the small progress we have made this far. We have been having economic problems and unemployment problems for years now so the change is not going to happen overnight. It is going to take time and as unfortunate as it is, we just have to hang on for the ride and make the best of the hard time

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