Friday, April 23, 2010

My Comment on Is More Taxation The Only Way?

I agree with what you are saying! It is crazy to think that out of all of the money they will be collecting, only 1% of consumption will be affected. That to me, shows how greedy the government is. They have to know that the tiny percentage will not actually do anything to help with obeisity. It sounds to me that they are digging for any possible reasons to tax the public. They are hungry for money. And I also agree that they aren't truly going to use all of that money on what they have claimed it will go for. They can put any false ideas out there to get the taxations passed and once they have our money, they will use a fraction for the proposed claim, to keep their butts safe, and the rest will go for whatever they decide.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is it too early?

There has been word circulating for sometime now about whether or not President Obama should pull us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. The question is, is it to early? And what would happen if it were too early. When we were attacked on sept 11, 2001, we went to Afghanistan to fight and defeat Osama Bin Laden and we have been there ever since without much improvement. We are in Iraq to fight for oil and still, aren't seeing much improvement although we did capture and kill saddam Hussein. So if we pull out now, we have not only waisted our time there thus far, we have also left two jobs unfinished. I have this strong feeling that pulling out now would be the worst choice. We have already gotten ourselves involved deeply in these wars, we might as well stick with it until we see it done. The day we pull out and abandon Afghanistan as a broken country with Bin Laden still in control, is the day we have another major terrorist attack. They aren't done fighting, so we shouldn't be giving up just because our country decided to elect a president who is against war.