Friday, February 26, 2010

Playing Nice

Playing nice by Susan Estrich of the Dallas News was a fun and humorous take on the meetings that took place over the health care summit today. She started off saying how boring she finds the majority of political meetings to be. This, she says is the reason no one tunes on to watch it on TV. Even the people attending the meetings are bored, as they wait for the person ahead of them to quit talking so they can get it over with. She feels as if it is not the issues at hand which are boring, but politics itself. She then goes on to kind of talk about how the meeting went. She says that republicans are not willing to allow a demicratic sounding version, but on the other hand, the demicrats dont want a rebulican sounding version. She says they basically had this meeting to make it look like they are "reasonable and forthcoming" even though nothing would really come out of it. Neither branch wanted to look as if they didn't care. I think that Susan was probably speaking out to the general public with this artical. It was probably not meant for someone in politics, however, as it may offend them. It is hard to tell if this artical is very credible. She doesn't tell us where it is she is gathering this information; she even says that not she, nor did anyone else, watch the meeting on TV, so how she gathered the little bit of information about it I can't say.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Is the US involved in the 9/11 attacks?

In an artical from the Austin American Statesman, Rebublican Debra Medina confusingly voices her opinion on whether or not the American government had a hand in the attacks of 9/11. At the begining of the interview, she says that she thinks it is possible that we (America) could have something to do with this controversial debate over Americas innosence, or lack there of, of that horrible day. At some points, she tries to change her words around to make it seem as if she doesn't have an opinion on it either way until she jumps back to say that there are rumors that the US government is hiding away information that they don't want us to hear, and that there were some "very good arguments" that we were somehow involved with the deaths of the 3000 Americans that tragic day. Also throughout this artical, Demicrat, Farouk Shami makes off topic racist remarks about how white Americans refuse to work factory jobs and that without Hispanics, America would be "like a day without sunshine." Although this artical written confusingly, it is still good to read about other peoples ideas and views on certain events pertaining to the government. I personally disagree with everything that was mentioned in this artical, which is actually what drew me to read it.
